Eighth of an Acre Bounty

Random thoughts and anecdotes on cooking, critters, gardening and life on our small city lot.

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August 29th, 2008 · 3 Comments

This guy was huge! I don’t know what variety he (she?) is, but apparently he decided that the recent weather was not at all summerlike and escaped indoors. I found him in my makeshift proofing box over the weekend when I was about  to proof bread. I should have put something recognizable in there for the picture for perspectives sake. I’d say he was about 2-3 inches from front legs to back.

Saved from drowning and spending a few minutes regaining his composure while drying out on his rescue stick. We have seen more of these black wasps (?) this year than ever before. I am curious about them. Need to seriously consider getting a good insect identification book. Reccomendations?

Nin can’t help but insert herself into every possible picture I take out in the yard. Screaming and whining at me the whole time because I am paying more attention to my camera and the bugs than her.

Do you think she knows it is her shadow?

Tags: Animals · Wildlife

3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 annie // Sep 1, 2008 at 11:36 am

    I have those same black wasp things here; don’t know what they are really. They love the peppermint growing on the deck though. Nin is a beautiful kitty!

  • 2 maya // Sep 2, 2008 at 4:38 pm

    Hey Annie,

    They sure are cool looking huh? I really do need to bone up on my insect identification skills. Nin is a pretty cat, and she knows it and lords it over the rest of the world. It is a good thing she is cute because it almost makes up for the incessant yelling!

  • 3 Katie Hobson // Oct 13, 2008 at 9:46 pm

    The waspy thing looks like a cicada killer. Google ’em, not as scary or ferocious as they look/sound.

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